Truly Home

Truly Home

Presenting a wide variety of home improvement tips from local favorite Leanne Lee, Diva of DIY. In addition to monthly video segments demonstrating creative ways to update or upgrade your home, we have blog posts for a deeper dive into certain projects and quick tips to get you started, all designed to help you make your house, Truly Home! Looking for a new home you can put some DIY love into? Capitol Federal® offers a variety of mortgage products with competitive rates and local loan servicing for the life of the loan.

QUICK TIP: Countertop Cleaning

Leann Lee, the Diva of DIY, explains the best way to clean different types of countertops. For more Truly Home quick tips, visit

Increase the Value of Your Home with a Kitchen Remodel

CapFed® contributor T.E. Cunningham shares ways to increase the value of your current home by remodeling the kitchen.

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Image of a kitchen