That time of year is here again for sweets, costumes and tricks-or-treats. Halloween is a great night of the year for kids and adults, but it requires extra caution to keep your little ghost and goblins safe. Here are seven tips on how to have a fun and safe Halloween.
Safety Over Fashion – Make sure costumes are flame resistant and visible at night. If your child will be trick-or-treating after dark, apply reflective tape to their costumes and bags. This will allow drivers to notice your child, even at night.
Stay on the Sidewalks – Kids become increasingly excited rushing from door-to-door on Halloween night. For safety concerns, keep children on sidewalks and carefully assist them across crosswalks and streets.
Establish Ground Rules – If your child is trick-or-treating with someone other than you, plan and discuss a familiar route and set a curfew. Have your child carry a cellphone so they may be able to contact you.
Proceed with Caution When Driving – While driving, pay extra attention to your surroundings. Watch for little trick-or-treaters who might pop out between parked cars. Use extra caution when entering or leaving driveways and alleys.
Make Your Home Trick-or-Treat Friendly – Keep safety in mind if you plan on turning your home into a haunted house. Make sure sidewalks, steps and porches are well-lit and clear of decorations.
Pumpkin Carving Safety – Have your child draw on a pumpkin with a marker, and leave the pumpkin carving to an adult. You can use glow sticks to place inside of pumpkins instead of candles. This will prevent burns or a fire.
Face Paint Safety – If your child intends to use makeup as part of their Halloween costume, make sure it’s non-toxic. Also test on a small area of their skin to make sure they are not allergic to the face paint. Make sure to remove all their makeup before your child goes to bed.
At Capitol Federal®, we hope you have a happy and safe Halloween. Hopefully you found these safety tips useful. If you have any other safety tips or ideas please share them here.
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