Please check website for list of specific dates and times.

Santa’s Express in Lights

A new family tradition in the Spirit of Christmas


December 3-5 and 10-12, 5:30-9:00 PM

A drive-thru wonderland of holiday lights and living nativity complete with camel, donkey, cow, goats and sheep. Drive along the luminary-lit route and delight in seeing Farm Town, tractors, the barn, the train and Christmas trees all dazzling with holiday lights.


From the comfort of your car, see the animals in the nativity and wave to Santa and Mrs. Claus and their elves. Kids, bring your letters to Santa and put them in his North Pole mailbox.


Bring canned food items and put them in the Harvesters food barrels at the entrance to help struggling families this holiday season.


All this for the family-friendly price of $10 per car.

Santa's Express at National Agricultural Hall of Fame
December 3-5 and 10-12, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Visit the National Agricultural Center for some holiday farm fun this season! Take your photo with Santa and be sure he knows your wish list! Ride the miniature train around a historic farm town and scenic pond. Come and enjoy hay wagon rides, holiday activities, hot chocolate, and cookies!

$5 Per Car

Free Train Rides

Free Snacks and Drinks

All proceeds go to maintaining and expanding Farm Town USA at the Ag Center!