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Keep Your Information Safe: Fight ID Fraud Online

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The Internet is revolutionizing the way consumers shop, pay bills, and transfer money online, but users still face threats. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), roughly 17.6 million people fell victim to identity theft in 2014, and the numbers have since grown. CapFed® is here to provide a few tips to help you fight ID fraud online. Here are eight helpful tips:

Update Your Devices.  Security software is the first line of defense against cyber-attacks. Make sure the software on your computer and mobile devices is up to date. Opt-in for automatic updates, to ensure you receive the latest software.

Secure Password. Setting a strong password is another form of defense against online fraud. A strong password usually has a minimum of eight characters and a variety of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, like: ?, ! or #.

Be Aware of Scams.  Fraudulent emails and websites are created for Phishing scams. Phishing scams deceive users into giving out personal information by clicking on links, opening attachments or pop-up screens from unknown sources. Avoid taking the bait, and delete emails from unknown individuals.

Protect Personal Information. Social Media profiles are used by hackers to discover passwords and security questions. Change your security settings and avoid posting things like birthdays, your mother’s maiden name and your address.

Secure Wi-Fi. Your home wireless network should be password protected. According to the FTC, unsecure routers are vulnerable to hackers and can be directed to fraudulent websites. Be cautious when sending information while connected to public Wi-Fi networks.

Be Cautious with iCloud. The convenience of iCloud makes it easier for hackers to steal personal information from files. Use caution when dealing with iCloud.

Shop Secure. When shopping online, make sure the website is secure. Always look for https in the URL, which authenticates the site and a small padlock symbol which verifies the security of the page.

Don’t skip the privacy policies. Websites have privacy policies in place to inform you on how the site will protect your personal information.

These simple steps can help keep your information safe online. Do you know of other tips? Share them with us in the comments section below.

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Marcia Sims

I like your bank. You seem to really care about your customers!??

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