little library image

5 Reasons We Love Little Libraries

CapFed Blue Shield Image
Little libraries have been appearing in communities to offer free book exchanges. Visitors to little libraries are encouraged to take a free book or leave a book for someone else to enjoy. It’s a great way to foster the love of reading right in your own neighborhood.

At Capitol Federal®, we love the community book exchange idea so much that we put up a few of our own True Blue® little libraries! You can find them outside these 10 CapFed® branches:

West Lawrence Branch
Emporia Branch
Liberty Branch
Manhattan Branch
Nall Valley Leawood Branch
North Topeka Branch
Topeka Fairlawn Branch
Northwest Wichita Branch
Salina Branch

Liberty branch little library image

Here are just a few great reasons to check out the little libraries in your community!

  • The books, of course! If you’re a bookworm, visiting a little library can be a fun way to see what others in your neighborhood are reading. It’s free and no membership is required, so it’s a quick and easy way to grab a new read on a walk. And, if it becomes your new favorite book, you can keep it!

  • It’s a great way to meet neighbors. If a neighbor puts a little library in their yard, it’s a pretty good bet they love reading. It’s a good conversation starter to ask about the inspiration for their little library and some of their favorite books. Visiting a little library is also a great way to run into new neighbors you may not have met before.

  • They’re not limited to just books. Some neighborhoods have started expanding the offerings in their little libraries. Gardeners are leaving extra fruits and vegetables for others to enjoy, and they can also be a good place to leave non-perishable foods and canned goods to help those in need.

  • A chance to expand your horizons. Because you never know what books you’ll find in your neighborhood little library, visiting it is a great way to expose yourself to books you may have never thought to look at in a library or book store.

  • Teach children about sharing. Encouraging young readers in your home to visit the little library to drop off or pick up books can be a good way to show them sharing in action. 
Why do you love little libraries? Tell us here!

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Categories: Community and Events , Hobbies and Travel , Just For Fun
Tags: About CapFed , Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka , Wichita


Anelda Clancy

Wouldn't it be great if we could have a Little Library at the Mission branch. My 2 boys 1

Denise Mitchell

I love this - I wish we had something like this closer to home! Great concept!?

Shirly Ky

We need this at Olathe locations!

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