You should budget an extra 20% on top of your monthly payment for unexpected things that happen. Buying a house with a pool will cost you another 10-20% per year on top of that as well. Basically, you can expect many more costs on top of what your estimated monthly payment is for the mortgage and escrow account. – Shawn R.
Make a budget before you go house shopping and start living by that budget before you buy. Once you have a realistic budget, then get pre-approval from the bank for a loan. – Sarah P.
Look at everything in the potential new house, including the yard, neighborhood, schools, traffic, and especially mechanical systems. You can never know too much about the home & property. – Perry S.
The first month you move in there's bound to be something that you didn't count on needing repair. Save some finances for that. – Elizabeth D.
Don't fall so in love with a house, you ignore items on a thorough and detailed inspection - go over every item with a trusted contractor to understand how critical and expensive each item is to fix. – M.R.
Good credit makes a big difference. – Elaine N.
Make sure the total house payment (escrow included) is 25% or less of your monthly net income to leave yourself a nice breathing room to live. – Kelly B.
Make sure you are specific in the contract about moving dates and what needs to be done by previous owners beforehand. – Rhonda H.
Take the time to find a good realtor who is right for you. – Carolyn P.
Don’t buy on a busy street just because it’s cheaper. – Tony J.
Remember, there will always be household emergencies - plumbing, electrical, appliances, etc. that will need repairs, you need to keep all those in mind when looking at your budget. –Guadalupe M.
Want to learn more about becoming a first-time homebuyer? This Step-By-Step Homebuyers Guide is a great place to start. If you have questions about the mortgage process or are ready to apply for a home loan, Capitol Federal’s Mortgage Consultants are ready to share their expertise. Equal Housing Lender
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