Apple recently launched a new service called Apple Pay™, which allows users to make transactions with a simple touch on supported devices. Just as with any form of payment, it is important for Apple Pay users to keep in mind some security and privacy safeguards in order to protect yourself and your money.
According to CNN Money, identity fraud has skyrocketed in recent years. Almost every two seconds, a person’s information gets compromised. Al Sacco of suggests keeping these tips in mind when using Apple Pay to help ensure a secure shopping experience:
- Don’t add all your cards. There is no need to add all your cards onto Apple Pay. Begin by uploading only a single card. Down the road, if an unexpected issue arises, it will be easier to locate the problem.
- Avoid purchases you might return. Since Apple Pay is a fairly new system, some sales clerks may not be fully aware of Apple Pay’s payment process. The return and refund process can be drawn out, especially when dealing with a new device. In order to save you some time and unnecessary stress, stick to purchasing items you will not be likely to return.
- Monitor. As always, keep a close eye on your account statements and the charges you have made through Apple Pay. Capitol Federal® customers can set up account alerts using True Blue® Online.
Take advantage of Apple Pay’s built-in security. Stephen Robles of suggests after syncing your Apple Pay with your iCloud, you should opt-in to a two-step verification option. This process requires users to verify their identity through another one of their registered Apple devices. Read more about Apple Pay’s security and privacy.
Capitol Federal customers can use Apple Pay with a True Blue® Direct Debit Card or HELOC VISA® Access Card.
Have you found some other useful tips for security when using Apple Pay? Share them here!
Safety and Security
, Smart Spending
Debit Cards